A blog from our Senior Property Solicitor

by Kerrie Culverwell, Senior Property Solicitor

As I start to wrap up for the eagerly anticipated Christmas and New Year break, it is also an opportunity to reflect on the last seven weeks of my starting with North West Leicestershire District Council (NWL Legal). My previous role was also in a Local Authority, but this being a District Council I have had a slightly different range of matters and clients, together with some similar work. One aspect I enjoy about being a Local Authority Solicitor is the range of instructions we get – it is not just transactional work but a range of queries relating to on-going Property Portfolio Management and Property Maintenance and in that respect, you can still get matters which feel unfamiliar and require some research before providing advice.

I have begun to get to know and support our in-house client departments with property queries, inherited some matters which have been underway prior to me joining and I have also had some instructions from external Parish and Town Council’s.

My instructions have been on a range of matters, some landlord and tenant queries, lease renewals, responsibilities for culverts and drainage, an exciting CPO project which I understand is likely to be the start of many – together with some in-house training for CPO’s.

Despite working from home, I have received a warm welcome from the team and our regular team meetings ensure that we all remain connected and new members are embraced as part of the team. The flexible working policy that NWL has enables me to achieve the perfect balance between being a busy Mum of two young boys and a Solicitor who enjoys growth and development in my role.

I look forward to the New Year with NWL and getting to know the wider team better.

Merry Christmas!