
A Framework is the Quickest and Easiest way to Procure – isn’t it?

Kate Hiller, Legal Services Team Manager

by Kate Hiller, Legal Services Team Manager

With ever-pushed local authorities struggling for resources, frameworks continue to become more and more popular as the preferred choice to procure goods and services.  It is seen as the quickest and easiest way to get the goods and services you need with what is expected to be minimum effort but is that really the case?

A framework arrangement establishes relationships between contracting authorities and suppliers that enable contracts to be ‘called off’ when certain goods and service are required.  The framework agreement will set out the terms on which contracts will be awarded and will set certain parameters around quantity and price.  If a contracting authority wants to procure goods and/or services from a framework it will enter into a ‘call-off contract’ directly with a supplier, either under a direct award or by running a mini competition.

Provided that a framework has been established in compliance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (the “Regulations”), local authorities can access the framework without running their own procurement exercise in accordance with the Regulations.  The framework agreement will specify if direct awards are permitted and on what basis a contract can be awarded without competition.  Similarly, it will set out how mini competitions should be run, with requirements typically less onerous than the Regulations.  There are numerous well-established frameworks that local authorities can go to e.g. CCS, g-cloud, SCAPE, ESPO, etc.

So why are they so popular?  Often clients can have a supplier in mind (particularly when they have used someone before and have found them to be good) and if you can find them on a framework that is seen as a good way to secure that particular supplier.  Alternatively, a client may not be too sure what they want and a framework is seen as an easier starting point because somebody has thought of most of it for you.  Time can be a big factor – it is common to be told that we don’t have time to do our own procurement so we have to use a framework because it is quicker.

Notwithstanding their popularity, there do appear to be some myths with frameworks that not many people realise including the following:

  • MYTH: A framework is in place of doing a procurement – securing goods and/or services from a framework is doing a procurement. You are procuring them through the framework and are therefore still subject to certain rules, if not those that require you to do your own tender exercise.  Your contract is still one that falls under the Regulations if it meets the relevant threshold.
  • MYTH: I don’t need to check the terms and conditions because somebody did that when they set up the framework – before entering into any contract it is always advisable to get legal advice on the terms, unless it is a standard contract that you are already familiar with. Yes, the terms should be legally correct but do you know what they say and what they mean?  Advice on the terms will help you understand whether the framework is right for you so it is always advisable to get it checked before you start your award process rather than just before you are about to sign on the dotted line!
  • MYTH: My preferred supplier is on the framework so it must cover what I need – suppliers can often provide a variety of services and not every framework they are on will necessarily cover all those services. Sometimes they may be on a framework for just some of the services they provide, so you need to be sure that those are the services you want before you use the framework.  It is always important to check what services the framework covers as well as who the suppliers are.
  • MYTH: The supplier has to use their own terms – a properly procured framework should set out the terms on which call-off contracts can be awarded. They may not be bespoke terms (e.g. they could be standard contracts like JCT or NEC in the case of construction contracts) and they may not always be included within the framework agreement itself but it should be clear what terms the call off contract can be let under and whether that includes the supplier’s standard terms or not.  So if a supplier tries to persuade you to enter into the contract on their terms, make sure you check the framework agreement first.

So given the above, it might not always be as easy as it seems to use a framework but is it still the quickest way to procure?  Possibly but perhaps not as much as people may think.  It’s worth thinking about what you still need to do with a framework:

– You still have to draft a scope of works/specification for your specific contract. Some of the general technical requirements may have been covered for you but you still have to draft something that covers what you need and how it is to be delivered to your local authority.

– You still need legal support to draft a contract (and possibly review the framework agreement as well). There may be template call-off contracts but they will still need reviewing and populating.

– If you run a mini competition, you will still need to evaluate submissions, so you will need to prepare documents for that and set aside time to assess the responses.

– You still need to arrange your internal authorities to award and sign the contract.

Using a framework is in fact still quite similar to running your own tender exercise, if you use it properly.  It is perhaps more the case that each stage perhaps has a little less time to it that overall provides the sense of a bigger time saving.

It is curious that often price is not given as a reason to use a framework (especially given the duty on local authorities to secure best value).  It should be the case that it is more cost effective to use a framework because it is effectively bulk buying but often suppliers will come and say that they can offer a better price outside of the framework.  Sometimes that’s due to a moment in time, sometimes it’s about new client relationships and sometimes it’s about the scope of the services being sought.  It is worth bearing in mind whether running your own tender exercise may get you better rates in some circumstances.

Generally, frameworks have quite an appeal and to some extent probably are quicker and easier but the key to success is to make sure you still procure properly under them.  It is not a ready-made solution, it is a partly-made solution that you need to finish off and tailor to your authority’s needs, so think carefully about whether a framework is the right choice and consider testing the market first if you need to.

Procurement Bill

Kate Hiller Team Manager

by Kate Hiller, Team Manager

What can we expect from the upcoming Procurement Bill?

Ever since the UK left the EU, there has been talk of new procurement rules and in December 2020 the Government set out in a green paper its proposals for bringing in procurement reform.  A consultation between 15 December 2020 and 10 March 2021 gathered feedback from over 500 stakeholders and organisations and at the end of last year the Government published its response.

So what has the green paper and consultation told us about the upcoming reforms?  Some of the changes local authorities can expect to see are:

  • A mixture of principles, objectives and obligations – the government proposed a number of principles that would be included, however, following the consultation feedback it is now proposed that some principles will be objectives instead. The government has also made it clear that there will be obligations at each stage of the process that will be separate from the principles and objectives.  The terms used are all likely to be familiar to procurement lawyers (value for money, transparency, non-discrimination, etc.) but the key will be getting to grips with which category they fall under and the extent to which they become legal requirements of the process.
  • A simpler regulatory framework – it is being proposed that a single, uniform framework replaces the various procurement regulations we have in place currently, covering public contracts, concession contracts, utilities contracts and defence and security contracts. This is unlikely to impact local authorities significantly as in most cases the procurements they are conducting are most likely to be under the Public Contract Regulations 2015, however, when local authorities do need to procure other types of contracts, it may help to not have to get to grips with a new set of regulations.  It is also positive that the government is looking to secure integration between local authorities and the NHS in relation to joint commissioning.
  • New procedures – the current set of procurement procedures under the various regulations are set to be replaced by 3 ‘modern’ procedures, including the open procedure, a flexible competitive procedure and a limited tendering procedure. Local authorities are likely to be most used to the open procedure as this tends to be the most commonly used procedure, which it seems is set to remain.  If local authorities are looking to do something different though, it seems that the new flexible competitive procedure is intended to make it easier to negotiate and innovate.  The government was intending to remove the light touch regime, on the basis that the flexible competitive procedure would provide enough flexibility without the need for a separate regime for certain contracts, however, following the consultation it has accepted that it will remain in some form, with a review of which contracts it applies to.
  • MAT instead of MEAT – local authorities will be used to awarding contracts on the basis of the ‘most economically advantageous tender’ but the proposal is to remove the economic aspect and award on the basis of the ‘most advantageous tender’. This goes some way to address the inherent conflict between social value objectives and the need to secure an economically advantageous deal.  This will hopefully help local authorities with aspirations to award to more local suppliers for the benefit of their community.

The above are just a few of the proposed changes, which are likely to be of most interest to local authorities in their day-to-day procurement activities.  In addition to the above, the government is introducing a new Procurement Review Unit (PRU), different grounds for exclusion of bidders, a central debarment list, provisions to be able to take account of bidder past performance and a new DPS+ procedure, as well as court reforms in relation to how procurement challenges are made.

If you are interested to find out more, then the government green paper can be accessed here and the consultation responses here. If you need any specialist advice on any procurement related matters, feel free to contact us on