News from NWL Legal

Latest updates and opinions from the team

Code of Conduct Training

by Rebecca Elliott, Contracts and Commercial Solicitor The Legal Services Team has been out on the road delivering Code of Conduct training to Councillors across the District. This has provided an invaluable opportunity for new and returning District and Parish Councillors to get up to speed with their obligations under the Code, in particular in […]

Assets of Community Value

The Localism Act 2011 introduced Assets of Community Value (formerly the community right to bid) with the idea behind it to give communities more involvement in the way local services are delivered. In essence, it gives community interest groups an opportunity to purchase local land that has been registered as having a community purpose. This […]

Departure from statutory consultee responses

The Secretary of State has recently dismissed an appeal against a refusal of planning permission for a site at Land at Ware Park, Wadesmill Road, Hertford, Hertfordshire (APP/M1900/W/17/3178839) on the basis that the proposed development would result in an unacceptable risk to a public drinking water supply, amongst other reasons. The appeal was made against […]

Three ways through the labyrinth of functions and responsibilities

Changes brought in by the Local Government Act 2000  and the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 were designed to streamline local authority decision-making by mimicking central government, but they created a labyrinth of responsibilities that Councils are still struggling to negotiate. By putting the power for specified decisions in the hands of […]

Penalty Clauses in Employment Agency Contracts

Councils that recruit interim staff through employment agencies need to be aware of possible penalties payable if staff are taken on permanently.