A blog from our Information Governance Officer

by Angela Thomas, Information Governance Officer

I was delighted when I received an offer of employment with North West Leicestershire District Council (NWLDC) and I am into my third week here as Information Governance Officer… I have to say it’s been an amazing start, and I already feel like one of the NWLDC family. The Information Governance and Legal team, along with the wider council have been very friendly and put me to ease straight away.

My role will see me work with the Data Protection Officer dealing with Freedom of Information (FOI), Environmental Information Regulation (EIR) and Subject Access Requests (SAR) along with other tasks in the Information Governance team.

Having come from a similar role within the NHS I am really looking forward to gaining further knowledge and have already received training in EIR so I am able to undertake my role to the fullest. I was thrilled at the available training NWLDC offer and how they really celebrate individuals gaining as much knowledge and qualifications as possible with their help and support. Already, they have shown me how much they want me and others to succeed and grow within their employment.

Since NWLDC offer a flexible / hybrid policy, I have been able to have a perfect work / life balance, and I really believe this promotes productivity. All staff I have encountered so far have been more than willing to help and guide me and I cannot thank them enough for making me feel so welcome.

I am looking forward to getting to know and working with all my new colleagues via MS teams and in person. I have already seen what a fantastic team the council are, and I am enthusiastic and eager to see where my future journey takes me.

Right to Buy Landlord’s Completion Notices

by Helen Lisney, Senior Legal Assistant

When the Government delivered its budget on 30 October 2024 it announced that the right to buy discounts would be reduced with effect from 21 November 2024 and a consultation on wider reform to the right to buy scheme would be undertaken.

The maximum discount available when buying a property under the right to buy scheme, dependent on the length of qualifying tenancy, is 70 % of the valuation.   This amount is subject to a cap – up until 21 November 2024 the maximum discount was capped at £102,400.    From that date the cap for the East Midlands was amended to £24,000.

Unsurprisingly, this change led to a sudden influx of right to buy applications within that 3 week period up to 21 November – we had more applications in that period than we had in the previous 12 months!

Most of the applications were received in reaction to the budget and it is likely that many of the applicants are not in a position to buy.   In view of this, and as there will be a huge increase in administration,   it is a good idea to have a process to manage the applications in the most efficient way possible.

The right to buy process is set out in part V of the Housing Act 1985 (the Act).   The Act sets out specific timescales for each part of the process.    There are notices that the tenant can serve but  this note details the notices that the Landlord can serve to ensure that all matters are dealt with in a timely fashion

S.125E – Landlord’s Notice in Default

Once the Landlord has served the section 125 offer notice setting out the purchase price and other matters in relation to the purchase, the tenant has 12 weeks to serve a written notice on the Landlord stating that he intends to pursue the claim, or wishes to withdraw it.

If at the end of that 12 week period the Landlord has not received such a notice then it may serve the tenant a written notice requiring to serve the notice within 28 days, and informing him of the effect of not complying.     If the tenant does not comply with this notice (or any agreed extension) then the right to buy shall deemed to be withdrawn at the end of the 28 day period.

S.140 – Landlord’s First Notice to Complete

If at any time after the tenant has served a notice of the intention to proceed the matter is failing to progress, and not less than three months after the service of the section 125 offer notice, the Landlord can serve a first notice to complete on the Tenant requiring him to complete the purchase with a period stated in the notice (which shall be at least 56 days from service).

S.141 – Landlord’s Second Notice to Complete

If the tenant fails to comply with the first notice to complete within the time specified in the notice, the Landlord can serve a second notice to complete on the tenant.    This notice gives the tenant a further period of at least 56 days to complete the purchase.        If the tenant fails to complete the purchase then at the end of the period specified in the notice the right to buy application is deemed to be withdrawn.

If the application is deemed to be withdrawn, the tenant will need to make a fresh application to proceed with the right to buy.  Any such application would be subject to the discount cap applicable at that time.

Understanding Local Authorities’ Powers to Secure Unoccupied Land and Buildings

by Charlotte Smith, Apprentice Solicitor

Unoccupied properties can quickly become targets for vandalism, anti-social behaviour, and safety hazards. Local authorities are empowered to act in certain situations to protect public safety, minimise nuisance, and ensure that these buildings do not contribute to broader community issues. This article explores the powers available under different legislation for securing such properties.

Securing Unoccupied Properties: The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982  

Under Section 29 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, local authorities can secure unoccupied buildings to prevent unauthorised entry. This includes measures such as boarding up windows or doors. Importantly, the Act defines “building” to include structures, but this does not extend to the surrounding land or gardens. Therefore, while a local authority can secure the physical structure, it cannot, under this provision, block access to the property’s curtilage, such as by erecting fencing.

For persistent cases where re-securing openings is necessary, such as broken window boards, local authorities may feel compelled to repeatedly act under this section. Once measures have been initially implemented under this section, it will be important to keep the situation under review and consider whether alternative courses of action should be taken, particularly where there is a presence of anti-social behaviour.

Addressing Anti-Social Behaviour: Closure Orders  

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 provides another avenue for tackling issues linked to unoccupied properties. Under Section 76, local authorities or the police can issue closure notices where the use of a property has resulted in, or is likely to result in, public nuisance or disorder. In the context of unoccupied properties, closure notices can:

-Restrict access by all persons to the premises entirely, or

-Restrict access by all persons except specified individuals.

Following the issue of a closure notice, an application must be made to a magistrates’ court for a closure order under section 80 of the 2014 Act, unless the notice is cancelled in accordance with section 78. A magistrates’ court can grant a closure order for up to three months, and the order may be extended by application for a period not exceeding three months, if needed to prevent nuisance or disorder. A closure order cannot last for more than six months. This power is particularly useful where abandoned properties become hotspots for anti-social behaviour, such as vandalism or underage gatherings.

Ensuring Public Safety: Building Act 1984  

Local authorities also have powers under the Building Act 1984 to address safety risks:

-Section 76 allows councils to remedy defective premises when delays in addressing issues would risk public health or constitute a nuisance.

-Section 77 enables authorities to act on dangerous buildings by applying to an appropriate court or tribunal for an order requiring owners to execute works to obviate the danger, or demolish the structure. If the owner fails to comply with the order, the local authority may execute the order and recover reasonable expenses from the owner in default.

-Section 78 provides emergency powers where immediate action is needed to remove danger.

The Building Act offers critical tools for addressing imminent safety concerns, especially when there is a delay in owner response or when an owner cannot be located.

Balancing Protection with Responsibility  

While local authorities can take steps to secure unoccupied properties, responsibilities often rest with the property owner. In such cases, councils can notify owners of issues and recommend preventive measures. If owners fail to act, local authorities can exercise statutory powers to recover costs associated with securing or repairing the property.


Managing unoccupied properties is a challenging but essential task for local authorities. By combining the tools available under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, and the Building Act 1984, councils can effectively balance public safety with individual property rights. Collaboration between local authorities, law enforcement, and property owners remains key to minimising risks associated with abandoned or derelict buildings.

Two months as a Generalist Solicitor

by Emma Lant, Generalist Solicitor

It does not seem long ago that I was writing my blog as a new starter with North West Leicestershire District Council (NWL Legal), but the time has flown by, and I have now been with NWL Legal for two months, in the role of Generalist Solicitor. It is always important to reflect on how the job is going, especially in a role which is as wide-ranging as this one.

During my first few weeks, I have taken on a wide range of tasks, including assisting with the annual review of the Council’s constitution, which has included a read-through of the full document and creating a table of points to be raised for discussion, reviewing Council policies, picking up ad-hoc enquiries which come in daily to the Legal inbox, and undertaking legal research. I have also assisted with creating and delivering a training session for colleagues in the Housing team, which helped me to expand my knowledge of the topic as well. Another highlight of my employment so far has been meeting with Councillors within a Working Group to discuss potential changes to an existing Council document. I enjoyed presenting the information to the Councillors, and hearing their views on how they wished to proceed. I also liked being able to follow this process from initial drafts through to meetings with Councillors, and it will be interesting to be involved with the next stages as the document goes on to be discussed at a Committee meeting.

It is always daunting to start a new job, especially one where I can potentially be involved in so many different areas of law. However, the team at NWL Legal have been incredibly supportive and it has been great to learn from their experience. This has set me up well to be able to build on this in my next few months with the team, and I am looking forward to taking on new challenges as my time at NWL Legal continues.

If you would like to instruct a member of the Legal Team, please email legal@nwleicestershire.gov.uk.

Recognising ‘Care Leavers’ as a Protected Characteristic: A Legal Perspective

by Charlotte Smith, Apprentice Solicitor

Our council is taking a groundbreaking step by recognising ‘care leavers’ status as a protected characteristic. This move will provide care leavers with similar protections to those afforded under the Equality Act 2010 (“the Act”).

Understanding the Equality Act 2010

The Act is a key piece of legislation that protects people from various types of discrimination based on nine protected characteristics. Section 4 of the Act sets out those identified as ‘protected’: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. This anti-discrimination law ensures that individuals are treated fairly in various aspects of life, including employment and accessing services.

Section 149 of the Act also goes further by placing a duty, known as the Public Sector Equality Duty, on Local Authorities when exercising their functions to have regard to the need to:

  1. a) eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimisation of people with protected characteristics
  2. b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

(c)  foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

By complying with this duty, Local Authorities are more likely to meet their obligations under the Act.

The Act as it stands does not currently recognise care leavers status. The ‘Independent Review of Children’s Social Care Report’ recommended that the Government should make care experience a protected characteristic under equalities legislation. It is argued that care experienced people experience similar discrimination to those that have a legally protected characteristic under the Act.

The Government responded to this report as follows:

‘Our ambition remains to extend corporate parenting responsibilities to other government departments and relevant public bodies… We believe this will ensure that policies and services that affect children in care and care leavers better take account of the challenges that they face and provide opportunities for them to thrive.’

Despite this, no changes to legislation have yet been implemented.

Why ‘Care Leavers’ Need Protection

A ‘Care Leaver’ refers to a young person who has been in the care of a local authority for a certain period and has since left that care. The term includes various forms of care, such as foster care, residential care (including children’s homes), and other arrangements outside the immediate or extended family.

It has been recognised that care leavers face unique challenges as studies show that care leavers often struggle with lower educational outcomes, higher unemployment, and mental health issues.

By recognising ‘care leavers’ as a protected group, the Council aims to address these disadvantages and promote equal opportunities.

Corporate Parenting Principles

The term ‘Corporate Parent’ refers to the collective responsibility of a local authority to act for those looked after children and young people as a parent would for their own child, by providing care and safeguarding. These principles apply to the Council’s functions as a whole, not just to social care functions, although some are less likely to be affected.

Whilst District Councils are not directly responsible for looked-after children, the statutory guidance states that these Councils are still required to consider how the principles apply when they are exercising their functions in relation to looked-after children and care leavers.

Recognising ‘Care Leavers’ status

On 23 July 2024, our Council agreed to afford care leavers the same protections as those recognised under Section 4 of the Act, insofar as the law allows. It was established that the Council wanted to go further in fulfilling its duty under Section 149 of the Act to look at what else could be done to ensure that those groups who face the most disadvantage in our community are protected.

The decision to recognise ‘care leavers’ as a protected characteristic is backed by findings from the City of Westminster report, which highlighted significant disparities faced by this group. The report pointed out that care leavers are at a greater risk of social exclusion and discrimination. It also highlighted that extending protections to care experienced individuals is a natural progression in our equality laws, reflecting our society’s evolving understanding of fairness and justice.

As care leavers status has not yet been afforded protection under any statutory provisions, it must be noted that the statutory nine characteristics would prevail in case of a conflict between the two.

Impact on Policies and Practices

This initiative supports the Council’s broader commitment to equality and diversity. By extending protections to care leavers, a more inclusive environment where everyone can thrive is created.

This new recognition has led to ideas of how the Council can go further by treating care leavers as having protected characteristics. Some of these are:

  1. Policy and Procedure Changes: Our council will look to review and update policies and procedures to address the needs of care leavers, ensuring they are considered.
  2. Health and Wellbeing: Offers will be promoted and directed specifically at care leavers.
  3. Work and Training: further training will be provided to staff and managers as to the support that can be offered to care leavers.


Recognising ‘care leavers’ status as a protected characteristic is a significant step towards greater equality. This decision aims to address the specific challenges faced by care leavers and seeks to promote better outcomes for those individuals.

A blog from our newest member of the team!

by Emma Lant, Generalist Solicitor

I am delighted to have recently accepted my offer of employment with North West Leicestershire District Council (NWL Legal), and am already nearly a week into my new career! I am undertaking the newly created role of Generalist Solicitor, where I will be providing assistance to the Legal Team on a range of matters, working across the various legal sectors and services provided by NWL Legal. I will be involved with matters such as reviewing the Council’s Constitution to ensure compliance with its terms, researching legal topics as and when required, providing advice on a wide range of local government law and governance, as well as assisting with planning applications, reviewing contracts, property transactions, and more. My role will see me undertake work for both in-house services across the Council, and external clients (including other local authorities).

This will be a varied role which I am eager to settle into, and develop my skills and knowledge. I have previously worked in a legal department of the Civil Service, and in private practice, and I hope the experience of working in these quite different areas will set me up well for this very wide-ranging new chapter.

My first impressions are that this is an enthusiastic team with a wealth of knowledge of their chosen subject areas, and I will certainly benefit from learning from the vast experience of the team. I am looking forward to getting to know my colleagues in the coming weeks and months; I have already been fortunate to attend some team meetings, both in person and on MS Teams, which have been great to see how the team operates, and I have received a warm welcome from everyone.

If you would like to instruct a member of the Legal Team, please email legal@nwleicestershire.gov.uk, or would like to find out any more about the services which are offered, please use the link here.

Six months with NWL Legal

by Claire Reeves, Legal Assistant

As I come to the end of six months working within the NWL Legal Team as a Legal Assistant, I have taken time to reflect on my experiences so far.

My primary responsibility within the team is to handle all new and existing Housing Disrepair claims received by North West Leicestershire District Council.

During the past six months I have received training on Housing Disrepair and legal costs. In addition, I have had the chance to actively participate in the weekly meetings with the housing department where I have been able to see in practice how we deal with different types of claims and how we determine liability. Attendance at these meetings has also provided me with the opportunity to begin to build crucial relationships with the Council’s housing and repairs teams.

Now that I am six months into my role, I have had the opportunity to deal with a variety of disrepair claims, all at various stages of the process and have had successes in settling several disrepair claims since starting in my role which has been very rewarding. I have found this not only to be rewarding because it settles the matter for the Council but because it also means that the homes and hopefully the lives of the tenant’s living within the properties will be improved as a result of repairs being carried out.

I feel that the training and support that I have received so far within the NWL Legal team and the wider Council has been excellent and has set me up perfectly to embark on my new role, giving me the confidence to manage a varied caseload and the chance to build on existing knowledge and skills. I have learned a great deal in this role, just within the past six months and look forward to building on this further as I continue to develop in the role.

As a working mum to a young daughter, I have found that the flexible working arrangements offered by NWL Legal and the Council have made it easy to strike a comfortable balance between my family and working life – something which is very important to me and is not always easy to find!

All in all, the experience that I have had so far working within the NWL Legal team has been overwhelmingly positive and I look forward to developing further within my role over the months and hopefully years to come.

Charging Orders and Orders for Sale

Kerrie Culverwell, Senior Property Solicitor

by Kerrie Culverwell, Senior Property Solicitor

A Charging Order can be sought to secure a charge in favour of a Creditor over the Debtor’s property. This method is most effective where there is substantial equity in the land or property and where the Debtor is the sole owner. This is because a charging order takes effect subject to other charges, such as mortgages on the property.

An Order for Sale is a method of enforcing a Charging Order. If the court grants an Order for Sale the property can be sold by the Creditor who is then able to recover their debt from the sale proceeds. When making the Order the court will determine what value the property should be sold for and the method by which the property should be sold.

The Steps involved are briefly summarised as follows:-

  1. Evidence Gathering – the Creditor must take all reasonable steps to obtain the evidence to be submitted with the claim form. Practice Direction 73.4.3 sets out the evidence required.
  2. Make the Application – Using a Part 8 claim form and usually at the court that made the Charging Order. The claim form should include the evidence gathered at point 1, or if not separate written evidence should also be submitted.
  3. Court gives Directions and Fixes a Date for a Hearing
  4. Service of Claim Form on the Debtor and any other interested parties. Follow any other directions given by the Court at stage 3.
  5. Hearing – the Court will exercise their discretion as to whether an order is made. If an order is made it will give the Debtor one last chance to pay, after which the order will specify the date by which the Creditor should get possession of the property in order to facilitate the sale.
  6. The Order will specify the value the property should be sold for, the method by which the property should be sold and how legal title will be transferred to the purchaser.
  7. Sale Proceeds – if the property is sold successfully the proceeds will be applied in the following order:-
  • Costs and charges of sale.
  • Charges with priority (i.e. any mortgage/s).
  • If the property is jointly owned, the co-owner receives their share.
  • Creditor with Charging Order.
  • Any balance goes to the Debtor.

If, for whatever reason, an Order for Sale is not successful nothing will happen to the Charging Order – the charge will remain on the property and interest will continue to accrue.

Should you need any advice on Charging Orders or Orders for Sale, please get in touch with the team at legal@nwleicestershire.gov.uk.

Granting Rights of Way over Council Land

Helen Lisney, Legal Officer

by Helen Lisney, Legal Officer

Often Council’s will be asked to grant rights of way over their land.   Below are the two main ways of granting such rights and the implications for each of them.


An easement is a right benefitting a defined area of land.    An easement of right of way is a permanent right over the servient land for the benefit of the dominant land.

Once an easement is granted it binds both parcels of land.

Any request for an easement over Council land should be considered carefully as it has the potential to sterilise any future use of the land.

A new easement must be granted by deed and must be registered at the land registry against both parcels of land.

An easement can affect the value of both parcels of land and will need to be assessed by a valuer to calculate the value of the easement.  This will need to be paid by the person obtaining the benefit.

The easement can also contain a requirement that the dominant owner, and any successor in title pays a fair proportion of the costs incurred by the servient owner for the maintenance of the accessway.


A licence can grant a temporary right of way over land. This should be used where you are happy for a temporary use but want to protect any future development potential of the land over which it is granted. It does not confer any interest in the land.

If it becomes apparent that any person is crossing council land to access other land it is a good idea to offer a licence.  This would protect the land from any prescriptive rights of easement being granted.

A licence will specify the purpose for which it is granted (e.g. to obtain rear access to a defined property) and can be determined by either party on notice.   This will be personal to the grantee and cannot be assigned.

Usually, an annual fee will be paid for a licence.

If you need advice on any aspects relating to rights of way over Council land, then feel free to get in touch with us at legal@nwleicestershire.gov.uk

When are a Local Authority’s resources relevant to carrying out a statutory duty?

Rex (Imam) v Croydon London Borough Council [2023] UKSC 45

The Appellant was a full-time wheelchair user. Since September 2014, Croydon London Borough Council provided her with temporary accommodation under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996. The accommodation consisted of a two-storey property with a through floor lift. The Appellant’s bedroom was on the top floor while the bathroom was on the bottom floor. Should the need arise during the night, it would not have been easy for the Appellant to use the bathroom. The Council, therefore, accepted that the property was not suitable accommodation, having regard to her disability and that it was in breach of s.193(2) of the Housing Act 1996 by not offering her suitable alternative accommodation.

In 2020, the Appellant brought a claim for judicial review seeking, amongst other things, a mandatory order compelling the Council to secure her suitable accommodation under Part 7.

The judge in the Administrative Court dismissed the claim, refusing to make a mandatory order.

On appeal, the Court of Appeal set aside the judge’s order dismissing her claim for a mandatory order.

The Supreme Court considered the circumstances in which the Administrative Court could refuse to make a mandatory order compelling a public authority to act in compliance with a statutory duty and the extent to which the limits of a public authority’s resources are relevant to whether a mandatory order should be made.

The Supreme Court’s decision is of great importance, not only to housing law, but to public law generally.

Lord Sales gave the only judgment and started with the general proposition that resources were irrelevant to compliance with a statutory duty, however, Lord Sales then set out matters that might militate against the granting of a mandatory order.

The ordinary position, if one is successful in establishing their claim, is that relief should be granted. However, it is well established in public law proceedings that remedies are discretionary, that is, simply establishing a claim does not automatically lead to a conclusion that an order should be made, or relief granted. In fact, no order should be made if it isn’t reasonably possible to comply with it.

The court should not refuse relief routinely and should “proceed cautiously” when it was considering whether to do so. In particular, the court was required to bear in mind that Parliament imposed the duty on the authority and that the effect of the court making a mandatory order was to transpose this role onto the court rather than the authority, with the court then effectively supervising the authority’s compliance with what it termed a “super added duty”.

Another matter, which might militate against making an order, was the risk of detriment to good administration, for example, cases in which decisions were made or actions were taken on reliance of matters being finalised, only for the court to then upset the balance previously achieved, by granting relief. If is for this reason that judicial review claims must be brought within limited time frames, so that public authorities are not frozen through the passage of time by the risk of litigation.

Another matter that might militate against the grant of any order was the hardship or prejudice that might be caused to third parties, that is, the litigious should not be able to jump the queue above those whose claims might be more meritorious.

And finally, on resources, the court found that impossibilities does not mean literal impossibility but it does require the authority to show that it has taken all reasonable steps to comply with the duty. What all reasonable steps might be must be looked at in the context of the authority’s existing plans for the allocation of its resources which should not be disrupted.

Where a breach of duty is found or admitted, it is for the authority to explain why no order should be made by providing detailed evidence. It is not for the applicant to show why an order should be made.

When defending an Imam claim there are five comments authorities are expected to address:

  1. Does it have a contingency fund and if it does, has it considered employing it to assist the relevant applicant;
  2. Has there been a history of non-compliance with the duty;
  3. Are the applicant’s circumstance particularly dire;
  4. To what extend has the authority complied with the requirement to take all reasonable steps – the better its attempts the less likely an order will be made; and
  5. Caution should be paid to promoting the litigious above those whose claims are more meritorious.

If local authority can’t perform a statutory duty the Supreme Court was quite clear that it does not have to divert resources from other service areas or borrow more in order to comply with the duty. Generally, the courts won’t look behind budget decisions that have already been taken as the courts recognise that they lack the democratic authority and institutional competence to do so. That means a local authority isn’t required to reallocate funds from other service areas or from other budget heads once its annual budget has been set. However, the Supreme Court was quite clear that local authorities should have regard to using contingency funds. If a local authority has some form of contingency within its budget either within the service or for the full council, the court may expect it to dip into that contingency to provide a property (or in the wider context, comply with a statutory duty).

Where a local authority has failed to provide a suitable property (or comply with another statutory duty) for a considerable period, the court may enquire as to why the budget has not been updated to consider/include this case.